Friday, 10 December 2021

At this point in time however, we are at the end game, and now these evil and heinous villains who own the world have the ability to control every aspect of human existence

In this day and age when most all people in this country, as well as most all those in the rest of the world, have no understanding of truth or reality, it becomes important to offer simple referenced explanations of things not thought about by the general population. In fact, it is imperative to use every tool at our disposal so the the average person can on their own understand the evil intent, and the collusion necessary in order for the few to control the many. The documentary below is the perfect example of this concept, as it lays out for all to see how this world is controlled from the top down, and how so few can monopolize the entirety of life.
I would go so far as to say, that this explanation of “who owns the world,” is so powerful and easy to understand, that any watching and listening who are not able to grasp the scope of this totalitarian plot, are already far lost to this world. Although thousands of corporate and government entities are involved, two ‘investment’ companies basically control the world in every single way imaginable. This is staggering beyond reason, but it should wake up those who still cling to any idea whatsoever that any major private or government system that exists is independent of the much hidden and tiny few who have mastered and dominate almost every world function, right down to everyday normal behavior. This top down control allows for there to be a tiny elite class that is the only real authority on earth, and everyone else is simply a pawn, or in reality a slave, to this massive authority.
So please take the little bit of time necessary to watch and listen closely to this almost unbelievable, and fantastical information. You should come away from this viewing with not only a new perspective on life in this world, but should understand the scope of all our problems; from war, to economic collapse, to tyranny, and to the fact that all are controlled through a planned system that has been in place for decades, if not centuries.
At this point in time however, we are at the end game, and now these evil and heinous villains who own the world have the ability to control every aspect of human existence; all from a top-down position of power so dominating that few have the ability to conceptualize the scope of this massive power wielded over all of this world’s societies.
I cannot stress enough how powerful this presentation is for any who want to see and understand the truth. Put aside politics, put aside hate, put aside all division; open your mind and simply listen to this life-changing factual information that anyone can get or verify for themselves.
This documentary was done by Tim Gielen and others.

More Covid Propaganda, Hyper Inflation, Climate Change Hysteria, ‘Vaccine’ Push, and War Drums

“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”

~ H. L. Mencken  (1924). “Prejudices Fourth Series”

I have called this temporary period the calm before the storm, but it seems that the storm is already beginning, and summer is not yet upon us. A multi-faceted approach, just as expected, is occurring, or at least is being headlined as the powerful and their government accomplices are setting up the people for planned panic once again. It seems the ‘calm’ may be short-lived, as the propaganda is once again increasing with vigor.

Mainstream headlines today are telling of all the angles of attacks being planned by the evil controllers.

“Covid deaths already eclipse 2020”

“Sweeden sees ‘dark clouds’ with outbreak of Delta variant.”

“Inflation fastest since 2008”

Dire Warning for America–“Inflation: The defining macro story of this decade”

“Looming heatwave to push Phoenix, Vegas temps to 115 degrees or higher”

“Hoover Dam reservoir record low”

“G-7 to pledge 1B coronavirus shots for world”

“FDA to clear 10M J&J vaccine doses from troubled plant”

“Kids under 12 are one step closer to receiving Covid vaccines”

Iran sends warships to Atlantic

Of course, there is much more fearmongering going on by government and media sources about not only these few, but also about continuing cyber-attacks, food shortages, energy shutdowns, and much more. Threats and warnings are being telegraphed, and it seems there will be no end to the panic that began almost 16 months ago. People are being prepared to accept whatever the state tells them, and the pressure to get injected will not slow, regardless of the inherent risk of disease, sickness, and deaths, due to this horrible shot. The Covid hoax is not over, and will be brought back in earnest this fall so that the vaccine push can continue. The poisonous ‘vaccine’ is the real bioweapon, and the more that get injected, the easier it will be to control the population, especially if those ‘vaccinated’ can shed the toxins to others; effectively causing mass ‘vaccination’ by proxy.

It is important to understand that this hell is not over; it is just beginning. Prices will continue to rise, food shortages will escalate, the Cyber Polygon simulation will take place in 4 weeks on July 9, and at some point soon, will be played out in real time across the U.S. and globally. As winter approaches, this will become dangerous to many across the country and world, so preparation is warranted.

There is no virus, so there are no variants, but the state will count on the weakness and ignorance of the people to continue this plot toward a global governance of all, and will use whatever methods necessary, and simultaneously, in their attempt to finalize this takeover of society, with the goal of building a fully functional technocratic system where all that will remain will be the ‘elite’ class holding power over the slave class. Nothing will be held back in this attempted “Great Reset” agenda.

None of this will end easily, and of course, there will be no government savior, no political god to save humanity, and no voluntary backing down by the powerful. Voting is irrelevant, as is the court system for the most part. What is necessary in order to stop this tyrannical takeover is the will of the people, and the courage en masse to just say no. Disobey at every turn, do not follow any orders by government, whether local, state, or federal concerning any draconian measures sought by these monsters. More restrictions are coming; they are not gone for good. Expect more quarantines, expect immunity or passport permits for living, expect every conceivable method of fear-based propaganda, expect more lockdowns. Then understand that economic chaos is also coming, with extreme inflation, false flag cyber-attacks, food shortages, and likely violent civil unrest once these plans are active. In addition, surveillance during this madness will only worsen.

Little time is left to change this course we are on today.

“Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.

Most People Don’t Seem to Realise What is Happening but We Are Now at War! There is No Turning Back Now. The Political Extremes Are Going to War, And You Will Be Dragged Into It

I repeatedly see and hear people complain about what a terrible coincidence it is that everything is happening so quickly: the fake pandemi...