Wednesday, 4 May 2022



oes our perception of the world reflect reality?

We hardly see the world as it is.

Technology is often touted as the savior that will rescue us from our misbegotten ways, redeem us, and put us on the track to utopia. Then there are the dystopian views, where the future is dominated by technology that either rule over us or saps us so completely of our humanity that we might as well be a bunch of gadgets ourselves.

There are countless challenges today both environmental and not.

Mostly, we see the world through a set of layers. These layers are made up of our emotions, past experiences, and beliefs, and whichever perception is held by most, is popularly deemed as the reality.

Among contemporary scientists and philosophers, the most popular solution to the mind-body problem is probably materialism.

According to neuroscience, the contents of your head are comprised of 86

billion neurons, each one linked to 10,000 others, yielding trillions of


Materialists aspire to explain feelings and experiences in terms of the chemistry of the brain. It is broadly agreed that nobody has the slightest clue as yet how to do it, but many are confident that we one day will.

For human beings to survive, they need to produce and reproduce the material requirements of life.

But, the real reality is different and it’s above any perception.


Here we are once again with another verbal diarrhea conference at the Summit of America’s with the president of the USA delivering a version of his domestic economic pitch promising leaders from Latin America that the United States is committed to helping the region combat crime, corruption, and its economic struggles.

“We will introduce a new approach to managing migration and sharing responsibility across the hemisphere.”  A load of verbal bollix but it raises the question are we now heading into globalization vs regionalization?

If so why?

Because of the pandemic and the ongoing wars, today’s great powers have little choice but to spend their way to political stability, which is unsustainable, and or try to control knowledge that is unattainable due to technology. 

Because the internet is currently eliminating the middleman the Politicians who are in a representative democracy hence the shift to direct democracy – Popularism – with power now resides with those best able to organize knowledge.



While the Earth, the planet, will continue to go its way regardless of what happens on the surface we are unable to act collectively and never will be able to do so.

We live toward incredible times where the only constant changes and the rate of change are increasing so fast that there seems to be no meaning to life.

Not until we eradicate poverty, establish free education, set aside ideological differences, change our primary focus to the long-term care of nature and people, remove profit for profit sake Algothrims, and create a World Aid Fund that we all can invest in. (See previous posts)

Not until when we are able to separate our own perception from reality we can take the necessary measures to be happy.

Not until we all realize that we are with Climate Change currently headed to a sixth mass extinction event and that this possibility alone needs to bond our collective conscious into acting like one.  

Unfortunately, I believe, that if we aren’t now past the point of recovery, if we don’t act soon, civilization and human habitation here will be untenable.


There’s no going back we are now stuck in a sad chamber of denial as those who are in power hopelessly try to ward off the apocalypse by promoting unsustainable economic growth. Our TV screens are inundated with appeals for help, while the cost of everything from health care, housing education, energy, etc is rising more than one can earn.

We must unplug our brains from smartphones and start working together in large numbers, as part of a coordinated effort to achieve change. 

Like Evolution Migration goes both ways – out and in. 

Rests assured if we continue to ignore the climate the earth will force us to go only one way, with the world passing through a nuclear war if we continue to ignore the warning signs.

If this happens humans will finally have little to no reason to fight.

What’s the point? 

China faces further economic slowdown, according to future predictions.

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution forces us to think about where today’s innovations are taking us, when it comes to what our world will look like, in the medium-term – how we will organize our cities, where we will get our power from, what we will eat, what it will mean to be a refugee – it gets even trickier. 

I predict the internet will go spectacularly supernova and fifty years from now catastrophically collapse.

With the world’s superpowers thrown into chaos as they come to grip with new powers, financial slowdowns, and emerging economies it will be the start of Apple’s path to world domination. 

National leaders will find themselves under increasing pressure from their people, putting a strain on inter-country relationships.

The main political tendency will be away from multinational solutions to a greater nationalism driven by divergent and diverging economic, social and cultural forces with technology and political alining against Mega Power. With countries looking at solving their own problems before looking outward the Climate will continue to heat up.

Nations will increasingly adopt protectionist policies as well as look at ways of further securing borders, something which has already begun to take place as Europe grapples with the biggest refugee crisis since World War II.

Rising military costs, declining oil prices, and internal issues will all weaken Russia further with its inability to control the federation creating a vacuum. It is unlikely that the Russian Federation will survive in its current form.

While it remains a major economic, political and military power, the United States will “be less engaged than in the past”, with the powerhouse learning some vital lessons from history.

China will continue to be a major economic force but will not be the dynamic engine of global growth it once was,

The EU will remain hostage to the economic wellbeing and competitive environment in which it operates.

Nation-states created by the west will collapse. 


We all want to know the future unfortunately in a supposedly thriving economy we are now facing inflation as the real cost of living.

Trickle-down economics does not work. 

Social media is not simply a more sophisticated platform. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and Snapchat WhatsApp have turned into a gallery of Frankenstein’s monsters.

They are a new kind of assault on who we are, not just what we think.

“Like” button for Facebook

To have great predictions, these corporations have had to amass vast quantities of data on each of us – what is sometimes called “surveillance capitalism”, trading in human futures, herding us into our echo chambers of self-reinforcing information.

In doing so we lose more and more sense of the real world and of each other. With it, our ability to empathize and compromise is eroded.

We live in different information universes, chosen for us by algorithms whose only criterion is how to maximize our attention to advertisers’ products to generate greater profits for the internet giants.

Apps allowing us to hail a taxi or navigate our way to a destination are undoubtedly useful tools. But being able to find out what our leaders are really doing – whether they are committing crimes against others or against us – is an even more useful tool. In fact, it is vital if we want to stop the kind of self-destructive behaviors.

Advertisers have been playing with our brains in sophisticated ways for at least a century. And social atomization – individualism, selfishness, and consumerism – have been a feature of western life for at least as long. These aren’t new phenomena. It’s just that these long-term, negative aspects of western society are growing exponentially, at a seemingly unstoppable rate.

We live in a world in which a tree is worth more, financially, dead than alive.

For so long as our economy works in that way, and corporations go unregulated, they’re going to continue to destroy trees, kill whales, mine the earth, and to continue to pull oil out of the ground, even though we know it is destroying the planet and we know it is going to leave a worse world for future generations.

We are more profitable to a corporation if we’re spending time staring at a screen, staring at an ad, than if we’re spending our time living our life in a rich way.

Is the human race capable of pro-actively defining, harnessing, and expressing a collective consciousness, without the need for tragic experiences?

Much of the problem is around our inability to define collective consciousness. Who are we? Who do we want to be in the future? 

I think it is time to act.

Our paths have never been so clear. More than ever, science can tell us what different socioeconomic-emissions paths will mean in terms of future temperature.

Which will humanity choose?

The world is getting smaller every day. There is only one world, and it’s made of consciousness. Matter is what consciousness does. 

NO MANDATES. A long-standing issue is that the accords generally have no clear mechanisms for mandating that countries carry out their promises. World pressure and ethical considerations have to drive most of the agreements.

So, lots of promises, but no guarantee that countries will honor them.

“Once we have ruled out the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

Is the nature of global collective consciousness, yet another thing, such as climate change, that the population of this planet is going to happily sleepwalk towards, as it shrugs its collective shoulders and says, “Well, you know, sniff, what can you do?”

Drones hold potential for many environmental benefits but nature’s technologies and designs are more often than not far superior to our own. 

 Computers in our pockets offer huge conservation potential. 


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